IBC2022 Panel: New Ways To Expand And Engage Audiences

Oct 3, 2022

News & Media

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Christof Haslauer, CEO and Founder, NativeWaves speaking on a panel on “New ways to expand and engage audiences” at IBC 2022.

The panel tool place on the Content Everywhere Stage at IBC 2022. The other panellists on stage included Yang Cai, CEO & President, VisualOn and Damien Read, SVP Data Products, 24i.

The panel was moderated by David Grindle, Executive Director, SMPTE

Let's get in touch

Christof Haslauer

CEO & Founder, NativeWaves

"Our goal is simple: to be your first choice to deliver personalised, engaging live experiences."

Let's get in touch

Christof Haslauer

CEO & Founder, NativeWaves

"Our goal is simple: to be your first choice to deliver personalised, engaging live experiences."

Let's get in touch

Christof Haslauer

CEO & Founder, NativeWaves

"Our goal is simple: to be your first choice to deliver personalized, engaging live experiences."

Let's get in touch

Christof Haslauer

CEO & Founder, NativeWaves

"Our goal is simple: to be your first choice to deliver personalized, engaging live experiences."

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