SPLive22: Driving content differentiations with next gen user experiences

May 19, 2022

News & Media

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Oliver Dumböck, CTO of NativeWaves talking about driving content differentiations with next gen user experiences at Sports Pro Live 2022 at the Kia Oval in London

Let's get in touch

Christof Haslauer

CEO & Founder, NativeWaves

"Our goal is simple: to be your first choice to deliver personalised, engaging live experiences."

Let's get in touch

Christof Haslauer

CEO & Founder, NativeWaves

"Our goal is simple: to be your first choice to deliver personalised, engaging live experiences."

Let's get in touch

Christof Haslauer

CEO & Founder, NativeWaves

"Our goal is simple: to be your first choice to deliver personalized, engaging live experiences."

Let's get in touch

Christof Haslauer

CEO & Founder, NativeWaves

"Our goal is simple: to be your first choice to deliver personalized, engaging live experiences."

NativeWaves GmbH

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5071 Himmelreich, Austria
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